
Non Wacky Weather Weekend

January 27, 2017

This morning on Star, I witnessed the great camaraderie that oozes through the hallways. Louis, one of the fellas who hangs around in sales, suggested that Allison may be partly responsible for the uptick in global warming. His theory is that climate change really got out of hand during the period of her life. Scientists… read more


Mary Tyler Moore Has Passed

January 26, 2017

You may not be old enough to remember when it became fashionable to stay home Saturday nights and click on CBS. For a while, The Bob Newhart Show, Mash, All in the Family and The Carol Burnett Show surrounded the top rated among them, The Mary Tyler Moore Show. The story was that Mary’s character,… read more


La La Star Land

January 25, 2017

Wednesday morning on Star94FM, We shared several categories of the academy award nominations, and learned that La La Land has tied an all time record with 14 nominations. It seems to have inspired the staff at KNCO and Star94FM to integrate dance into everyday activities. Allison, of course, has always been known to trip the… read more


Giant Otter NOT Spotted in Nevada County

January 24, 2017

This morning, Allison mentioned that her kitty captured a huge rat and left it’s carcass on her kitchen cutting board, in what was probably a tribute. Ramblin’ Rose, one of Star’s long time listeners suggested that such a cat could be mighty handy if food was scarce. Perhaps on Wednesday, we can discuss rat recipes…. read more


A Throwback to DWOS

September 9, 2016

Destruction Derby Sign Up Information

July 6, 2016

If you want to join the action at this years Nevada County Fair Destruction Derby Fill out to get signup information.


Throwback Thursday

April 28, 2016

Wanna turn back time?  Let us play you a memory!


In The Presence Of Perfection

April 27, 2016

It’s been nearly five months since I had the honor of taking over as co-host of Star 94FM’s “Morning Buzz,” and I must say, I’ve learned a tremendous amount. Working alongside Greg Jannetta has been a dream come true. I mean that literally, because when I first was introduced to him in August of 2013,… read more


Nice Haircut…You used a what? What the Heck is a Flobee!!

March 21, 2016

Louis Bouchard is an infamous Account Executive here at KNCO. For years now he has been bragging about his amazing barber who happens to be his FLOBEE that he uses at home. When we first spoke about this topic I had no idea what a FLOBEE was…Louis was ABSOLUTELY baffled by this. So after consulting… read more


New Year’s Resolution? Not Me!!!!

January 27, 2016

I don’t like New Year’s Resolutions. There I said it…I know …I am un-American. But honestly I never stick with anything I resolute to doing. With the exception of last year that is. Last year in Jan 2015 I visited the gym that I currently hold a membership with. I spent 45 minutes on the… read more


Music & Venues

February 5, 2013

Find out who is playing where on any given night, using our Music & Venues calendar.


TuneIn Mobile App

February 5, 2013

Download TuneIn to your smartphone or tablet and listen to Star 94 fm from wherever you are!
